

Software Development Kits (SDKs) — Overview

To help you integrate our Acquiring API in your server environment, we have created Software Development Kits or SDKs. These SDKs bridge the gap between your system, and our Acquiring API interface.

Using the SDKs, you will be presented with objects that map and wrap the services of our Acquiring API in a way that makes the integration easy. The SDKs provide a client class that is your main gateway to our server. Our SDKs are open source and fully support overriding and extending functionality to create your own preferred logic.

SDK Publication

The source code of our SDKs is published on GitHub and distributed using the relevant package managers for each of the different programming languages:

SDK Versioning

For each of the SDKs we publish new versions on a regular basis which include detailed release notes. We use semantic versioning for all our SDKs that encodes a version in a three-part number (Major.Minor.Patch). Major new versions indicate a breaking change, while minor and patch versions are considered backwards compatible.